by Greg
6 min read
April 30, 2024

Essential considerations to drive your RevOps strategy with HubSpot

If you want to take more structured, ‘scientific’ approach to generating revenue for your business, HubSpot offers a powerful platform to enable this ‘RevOps’ approach. From attracting leads to nurturing them into loyal customers, HubSpot offers a suite of tools designed to streamline every stage of the customer journey.

But it is not about flipping a switch. It demands a strategic approach that aligns your sales, marketing, and customer success teams under the umbrella of RevOps.

In our previous blogs, we discussed the critical importance of being ready to invest in RevOps and the essential KPIs and metrics needed to measure its success. Now, it's time to take a closer look at the practicalities of implementing RevOps within the HubSpot ecosystem.

Thorough onboarding to set the stage for long-term success

One of the real benefits of RevOps is the wealth of metrics it provides, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how people flow through your pipeline, from prospects to customers and beyond. This data not only sheds light on your business's performance but also transforms it into a well-oiled system, rather than a chaotic scramble.

The first critical stage in implementing RevOps within HubSpot is onboarding. Just as with any project, onboarding sets the foundation for long-term success. Rushing through without proper onboarding can lead to communication breakdowns, missed requirements, and ultimately, problems down the line. By taking the time to onboard properly, you ensure that all systems are aligned, goals are understood, and communication channels are established. Who's the billing contact? Who signs off on decisions? These details may seem trivial, but they're the building blocks of a streamlined RevOps strategy. Set yourself up for success from the start — it's a crucial first step.

When it comes to the benefits of data visualisation tools within HubSpot for gaining insights, much of this comes down to reports. By setting up meaningful KPIs, you can track the journey customers take through your business. Instead of lumping them all together as 'customers,' break them down into stages, and analyse how long it takes them to progress, who's lagging behind, and who's not progressing at all. Visualising this data provides invaluable insights that drive informed decision-making. Reports may seem mundane, but they're actually incredibly powerful tools.


Defining clear lifecycle stages and triggers to effectively manage prospects and customers

Lifecycles are like those little bins you use for sorting your laundry — each item gets its own place based on where it is in its journey. Why? Well, because we don't treat them all the same – they all have different laundry requirements. You don’t treat your whites the same as your colours — might not end well! Plus, treating everyone the same messes with your metrics. So, we carve them up — leads, MQLs, SQLs, sales opportunities - and now, throwing in some customer stages for good measure. It's like having a little roadmap where you can see where everyone's at and where they're headed next.

Concentrate lifecycle stages - Graph

As for triggers in HubSpot, they're like those secret buttons you push to make things happen. Sure, they're unique to your business, but HubSpot's got this treasure trove of data you can use to create them. Did a customer engage with your website? Ding! Stage up. Did they download something? Ding! Stage up. It's like magic, but with data.

Aligning these stages with business goals is where the real fun begins. You start with the big picture — what does the boss want? More revenue, right? Then, you drill down to figure out which areas need a bit of sprucing up. Maybe we need to focus on getting more revenue from our existing customers. So, you take a peek at all those stages and see where the weak spots are. It's like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you find revenue. Always link it back to the big goals — that's the secret sauce.

Clear measurement methods are like turning on the lights in a dark room. Without them, you're stumbling around blindly, and let's face it, that's no fun for anyone. So, if you want to know what's going on in your business (and trust me, you do), you've got to lay down that operational model and start crunching those numbers.

These are just some of the key metrics to monitor:

  • Customer churn rate - how many customers are waving goodbye?
  • Sales cycle length - how long does it take from lead to close?
  • Revenue growth rate - is your revenue sprouting wings and flying, or is it stuck in the mud?
  • Customer satisfaction - are your customers jumping for joy or running for the hills?
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – what’s the total revenue a customer is expected to generate for your business?

These metrics are like your trusty compass — they tell you where you are, where you're headed, and if you need to change course.

Setting benchmarks for improvement
First things first, figure out where you stand. You can't improve what you don't understand, right? Once you've got a handle on your current situation, it's time to compare yourself to the competition. How do you stack up?

It's absolutely crucial to understand your customer touchpoints and interactions, making their journey as smooth as possible. Let's take a closer look at that.

HubSpot RevOps roadmap - navigating the buyer's path

Now that you've got your RevOps framework in place and your data organised, it's time to get up close and personal with your customer journey. Understanding this is essential, because it allows you to anticipate their needs, address pain points, and guide them towards conversion.

By identifying friction points, you can pinpoint areas in the customer journey where prospects may encounter obstacles or challenges. These could be anything from cumbersome processes to lack of clarity in communication. Addressing these friction points is crucial for keeping your customers engaged and moving smoothly through the pipeline.

Recognising opportunity areas enables you to capitalise on potential revenue-generating moments within the customer journey. Whether it's upselling to existing customers or nurturing leads through personalised content, identifying these opportunities empowers you to maximise revenue and enhance customer satisfaction.

Building processes around the customer journey involves establishing clear, standardised procedures for each stage of the buyer's path. This could include automated email workflows, personalised messaging strategies, or targeted outreach campaigns. By aligning your processes with the customer journey, you create a cohesive and consistent experience that builds trust and loyalty.

In essence, navigating the buyer's path in HubSpot is about leveraging data-driven insights to optimise every touchpoint and interaction. It's about guiding your customers smoothly from discovery to conversion and beyond, ensuring a positive and memorable experience at every step of the way.

A case study in HubSpot mastery

Let's take a peek behind the curtain and explore how one of Concentrate's clients successfully implemented their RevOps strategy within the HubSpot ecosystem.

For this particular client, the journey began by mapping of their entire sales and marketing process. We identified where leads originated, what content resonated with them, and how these leads were nurtured and eventually handed off to the sales team.

Mapping out their sales process ensured transparency and clarity in how data was inputted into the system. This transparency was crucial for both sales and marketing managers, allowing them to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

With the groundwork laid, the next step was to translate these processes into HubSpot's language. The outcome? An integration that provided much-improved visibility into the sales team's activities and how they aligned with marketing efforts.

The benefits included:

  • Visibility into the actions of their sales team, enabling them to better understand how these activities translated to marketing outcomes
  • Scalability - armed with insights from HubSpot, the client could adjust their marketing efforts in real-time based on the capacity and performance of their sales reps
  • Attribution reporting - the client can attribute leads to specific marketing assets, providing invaluable insights into which strategies were generating the highest quality leads

By harnessing the power of HubSpot and a well-defined RevOps strategy, this client achieved newfound clarity, efficiency, and success in their sales and marketing endeavours.

Discover the power of RevOps in HubSpot

Establishing a successful RevOps strategy in HubSpot requires careful planning and execution, and a deep understanding of your business's unique needs. Key considerations include:

  • Thorough onboarding to set the stage for long-term success
  • Utilising data visualisation tools to gain valuable insights into your business's performance
  • Defining clear lifecycle stages and triggers to effectively manage prospects and customers
  • Establishing meaningful metrics and benchmarks to track progress and drive improvement
  • Navigating the buyer's path by understanding the customer journey, identifying friction points, and building processes around it

By adhering to these essential considerations and leveraging the capabilities of HubSpot, you'll discover the full potential of RevOps, driving growth, efficiency, and success.

Got your data sorted? Identified your KPIs and decided now is the right time to invest in RevOps? Get in touch and we'll show you how to get your RevOps strategy humming in HubSpot.


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