by Owen
2 min read
August 14, 2023


CRM migration project for tech business Squiz wins APAC HubSpot Platform Migration Excellence Impact Award

Our pursuit of excellence is a journey marked by innovation, collaboration, and our commitment to ensuring our clients get the most out of their HubSpot investment. We love seeing them increase their sales efficiency, improve their campaign-to-market timeframes, and leverage all the advantages that come with automation.

We're also not adverse to tooting our own horn when our hard work and achievements are recognised, so it's with no small amount of pride and excitement that we add another trophy to the cabinet: the HubSpot 2023 Semi-annual Platform Migration Excellence Impact Award.

Our winning submission, a case study centered around Squiz, a global digital experience company, sheds light on the intricacies of navigating the ever-shifting tech terrain. In the project Concentrate migrated Squiz from SugarCRM, Marketo and a bunch of other tools to the HubSpot CRM platform.

A sprawl of apps and disconnected efficiency

We've seen that tech companies, like Squiz, were quick to embrace the promise of sales and marketing technology. However, that can result app sprawl - a multitude of tools, each functioning in isolation, leading to a tangled web of inefficiencies. This disconnect impeded both sales and marketing operations, as well as visibility into overall performance.

To address this challenge head-on, Squiz embarked on a strategic collaboration with HubSpot and Concentrate. As a premium HubSpot solutions partner, our expertise and insight were instrumental in evaluating the HubSpot CRM platform's alignment with Squiz's unique requirements.

Recognising excellence: HubSpot Solutions Partner Impact Awards

These awards are a celebration of exceptional client work, HubSpot's recognition of the dedication and ingenuity that Solutions Partners bring to the table. The Platform Migration Excellence category is a tribute to the prowess displayed in migrating clients from legacy systems to HubSpot's dynamic ecosystem.

Concentrate's case study submission garnered an impressive score of 85.00 out of a potential 100 points. This achievement reflects the depth of research, innovation, and dedication Concentrate brought to the migration project. As a result of our victory, we've earned a place on the Impact Awards Hall of Fame page.

This is a triumph for our team as we celebrate the power of collaboration, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence.

Impressed with Squiz's results? Let's have a chat about what migrating to HubSpot can do for your business.

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